Wednesday, August 23, 2006

dear god

two stratospheric home runs
+seven rbi
+one blown save
=another outing in the season
of continuous throbbing pain

seriously, all i'm saying is that i wouldn't be surprised to see weaver and izzy sporting blacked eyes today, and bruises the exact size and shape of god-like dominican fists.

woo hoo. go mulder.

maybe his bad rehab starts were just a ruse to put other teams off. maybe he'll come in tonight and throw 101 mph left handed heat, and curveballs that look like they're headed for the upper deck dropping in for strikes in the inside corner. that must be why we're bringing an ailing veteran in for a rookie who will be a key rotation guy next year, and could use all the major league experience he can get.

maybe during batting practice, sir albert can knock shawn green's plane out of the sky so there's not one more met home run threat to worry about.

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