Friday, April 06, 2007

looking forward

as a cardinal fan who fell in love with the team during the boom years (2001 to the present), i don't have a sense of perspective on an 0-3 start. thank god i have become a fan of baseball in the last two years. today, the warehouse manager and i went to nick's pub for lunch, and there was a kansas/kansas state game on. i watched it as though i were being offered a scouting position. the alternative was an ultimate fighting ripoff, so it's not like it was a hard decision, but still...

there is no curse.

all in all, i'm really looking forward to tonight's game. i want to see wainwright start, if only to see if that hammer curve flattens out after a few innings (please, god, no). i really hope we see a three hr game for the redbirds tonight, with none in the cheatboxes in left. god knows they need the morale boost. god knows cardinal nation does as well.

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